Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cold & Cozy

Scribbled in a small notebook Dec 28/11 at MacGregor Point Provincial Park... 

I rise from the table and slither under 2 layers of sleeping bag & blankets on the bottom bunk of our temporary bed. A few feet away, I watch as Dan sharpens his prized new Buck knife - one that I sincerely hope he'll never use for its intended purpose (lol). A small fire crackles outside the yurt, that Dan built while I prepared a late lunch: Canned Organic lentil & vegetable soup and fried egg sandwiches with tomato, lettuce & dijon mustard.

Winter camping has become a new tradition of ours. This time, we departed the day after Christmas, barely having thought of our upcoming trip - caught up in busy holiday preparations - since we booked the yurt over a month ago. We knew where we wanted to spend our post-Christmas week - not swimming through droves of Boxing Day bargain-hunters, but ankle-deep in fresh snow, nestled warmly by the fire, amongst the trees and the chipmunks and the sweet silence of Canadian winter (which had barely touched our Central Ontario homes by the time we left!)

MacGregor Point on Lake Huron seemed a much more fitting place to spend our week off of work. Even here it didn't really start snowing until last night, offering a very welcome morning surprise of deep snow and long, freshly-formed icicles after a day of near-constant rainfall. Nature works such wonders even when we're not looking (maybe especially when we're not looking). :)

Now, to go enjoy the last of the daylight by the fire <3 Happy Winter!